Standard rental conditions for GHL Utleie AS.

1. Objective

These Standard Rental Conditions apply to the rental of machines without drivers, modules, equipment, etc. Changes to the rental conditions require a written agreement/contract.

2. Parties

The lessor is GHL Utleie AS, Rødmyrjordet 24 3735 Skien, , phone: 35502425 - key choice GHL Utleie mobile 90164333, org no. 997029119, and is hereinafter referred to as the lessor. The lessee is the consumer who makes the booking, and is hereinafter referred to as the lessee.

3. Rental property

The rental object is delivered from the GHL Utleie AS department in a cleaned and fully operational and regulatory condition including instruction materials. The rental object is loaded, transported, used, maintained and returned to the same department during regular working hours (unless otherwise agreed in writing) at the lessee's expense, risk and responsibility.

If the rental object deviates from the agreement, the tenant must immediately notify GHL Utleie AS, which can make a new delivery or correction. If significant deficiencies are not remedied, the lessee may terminate the agreement in writing.
Upon return, the rental object must be complete, including delivered additional equipment and instructional materials, and be in fully operational and cleaned condition free of damage as on delivery, with the exception of deterioration caused by normal use and wear and tear.

Any defects, cleaning, emptying of toilet, vacuum cleaner, etc. as well as final repairs caused by extraordinary deterioration/damage shall be covered by the tenant, and in such cases the rental period will be calculated until the rental object is repaired (within normal repair time).

GHL Utleie AS is entitled to re-invoice the tenant for these conditions.

4. Frame rentals

The lessee may not, without the written consent of GHL Utleie AS, sublet, lend or transfer its rights under this agreement to others or make any legal dispositions (transfer, pledge, etc.) over the leased object.

5. Use, supervision and safety

The lessee is responsible for ensuring that the user/operator has the necessary age, competence and permits in accordance with applicable regulations. The lessee is also responsible for ensuring that the rental object is only used within the specified capacities for such work operations and such working conditions for which it is intended, and shall be protected against unauthorised persons and unnecessary external influences. The rental object must not be exposed to special environmental loads without the written consent of GHL Utleie AS. The lessee is obliged to follow the applicable instruction material and regulations and to provide and pay for the necessary supervision, normal operational maintenance, punctures, replacement of wearing parts and consumables that normally need to be replaced during operation. The lessee must pay for and use only the operating materials and auxiliary materials (e.g. fuel and lubricants) described. If the rental object functions unsatisfactorily, it must be taken out of use immediately and GHL Utleie AS notified so that the fault can be rectified. GHL Utleie AS must be notified immediately of any damage to the rental object. The lessee may not carry out repairs, make changes or modifications to the rental object without the written consent of GHL Utleie AS. GHL Utleie AS has the right to inspect the rental object at any time and shall be kept informed by the lessee of the place of use. Any use outside Norway requires written consent from GHL Utleie AS. To secure the rental object against unwanted use and theft, the following security rules apply: If the weight or volume of the rental object means that it cannot be stored in an approved locked room, it must be stored in another satisfactory manner, for example: 1. Rental equipment with its own propulsion engine must be locked with an ignition key, and if possible the driver's cabin must be locked (keys removed). If the equipment has outriggers, at least 2 outriggers must have ground contact. 2. Rental objects with a trailer hitch must be locked with a separate hitch lock. Mini excavators on trailers must always have a digging bucket parked around the trailer hitch or placed in the ground next to the trailer. 3. Other rental objects must be locked in a steel container or chained with a padlock and chain so that the lock (class 2) must be broken in order for the rental object to be removed. This also applies to rental objects acc. 1 and 2 if own security measures cannot be implemented.

6. Rental period, rental payment

Rent is paid according to. GHL Utleie's current price list or according to written agreement/contract. For rental objects with day/weekly rental, the rent applies for 1 shift (8 hours) and rental time from the day the rental object is made available up to and including the day it is returned - including holiday periods.
Use beyond 1 shift or beyond agreed rental days per week must be reported immediately to GHL Utleie AS, which invoices additional use according to the price list or written agreement/contract.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the rent is paid in advance for the agreed rental period. If the rental period is longer than one month, the rent is paid in advance one month at a time.

Invoices are due 10 days from the date of invoice unless otherwise agreed in writing. In the event of late payment, the interest on arrears applicable from time to time as stipulated in Norwegian law will be charged.

The agreed advance rent must be paid before the rental object is handed over. Advance rent is settled against the final invoice.
GHL Utleie AS may require the tenant to use a payment card with reservation of the agreed rental amount + 20%.
If the rental period is extended beyond the agreed time or in the event of late return of the rental object, GHL Utleie AS is entitled to charge additional rent. Shortening of a pre-agreed rental period can only take place with GHL Utleie AS's consent.

For business interruptions for which GHL Utleie AS is responsible, no rent is charged for the rental object in question during the interruption period.

Any installation, dismantling, mandatory installation checks and agreed inspections are covered by the tenant in addition to the agreed rent.

GHL Utleie AS carries out and pays for mandatory expert inspections.
Sales goods are the property of the seller until full payment is received.

We accept the following payment methods: Card payment(Stripe), Vipps and Invoice. It is not possible to pay in cash when picking up equipment.

7. Liability - Insurance

Unless otherwise agreed, the goods are collected by the lessee from GHL Utleie AS, Rødmyrjordet 24, 3537 Skien. The item(s) can be delivered against a freight surcharge according to the applicable price list.

8. Liability - Insurance

The risk for the rental object passes to the lessee from the moment the rental object is handed over and remains with the lessee until it is returned/collected by GHL Utleie AS. During the rental period, the lessee is responsible for loss of the rental object and for all damage/costs beyond deterioration caused by normal use and wear and tear. Rental objects that are lost/not returned or damaged so that they cannot be repaired shall be replaced by the tenant with an amount corresponding to the replacement value. In the event of theft, the tenant is responsible for filing a police report.

The tenant has all liability in connection with the lease, including GHL Utleie AS loss (deprivation) and property, personal or consequential damage that the rental object or its use may cause the tenant, the tenant's employees, user, 3rd person or 3rd person's property. This does not apply if the damage is due to technical failure that the lessee did not discover, and should not have discovered, when using the rental object.

GHL Utleie AS accepts no liability for the rental object satisfying the tenant's needs, for damage and costs resulting from operational interruptions and forced or delayed delivery of the rental object.
GHL Utleie AS and the tenant must hold valid liability insurance unless otherwise specifically agreed.
During the rental period, the rental object is insured by GHL Utleie AS in accordance with the applicable insurance terms. The lessee is charged a percentage insurance premium of the gross rental amount for the entire rental period, regardless of payment-free days.
Comprehensive insurance has been taken out for equipment that is specially insured. The deductible in the event of damage is stated in the rental agreement.

9. Delay and non-delivery - buyers' rights and time limit for lodging a claim

If the lessor fails to deliver the goods or delivers them late in accordance with the agreement between the parties, and this is not due to the lessee or circumstances on the part of the lessee, the lessee may, according to the rules in Chapter 5 of the Consumer Sales Act, withhold the rent, demand performance, terminate the agreement and/or claim compensation from the lessor, depending on the circumstances.

In case of a claim for default remedies, the notification should be in writing (e.g. e-mail) for evidential purposes.


the tenant may maintain the tenancy and demand performance from the landlord. However, the tenant may not demand performance if there is an obstacle that the landlord cannot overcome, or if performance would cause such great inconvenience or expense to the landlord that it is substantially disproportionate to the tenant's interest in the landlord's performance. Should the difficulties disappear within a reasonable time, the tenant may nevertheless demand performance.
The tenant loses his or her right to demand performance if he or she waits unreasonably long to make the demand.


If the lessor fails to deliver the goods at the time of delivery, the lessee shall request the lessor to deliver within a reasonable additional period for performance. If the lessor fails to deliver the goods within the additional period, the lessee may terminate the lease.

However, the tenant can terminate the lease immediately if the landlord refuses to deliver the goods. The same applies if delivery at the agreed time was decisive for the conclusion of the contract, or if the tenant has informed the landlord that the time of delivery is decisive.

If the goods are delivered after the additional time limit set by the consumer or after the time of delivery that was decisive for the conclusion of the contract, a claim for rescission must be brought within a reasonable time after the buyer became aware of the delivery.


The lessee may claim compensation for any loss suffered as a result of the delay. However, this does not apply if the lessor proves that the delay is due to an obstacle beyond the lessor's control, the consequences of which could not reasonably have been taken into account at the time of the contract, avoided or overcome.

10. Termination - Termination

If the rent is agreed per day or week without a predetermined term, the agreement can be terminated by the tenant with 1 day's notice. If the rent is agreed per month, one week's notice. Otherwise, the rental period expires when the rental payment ceases. If the rental object is not treated satisfactorily, GHL Utleie AS may terminate the agreement with immediate effect and collect the rental object at the tenant's expense. The same applies if the rent and any supplements are not paid by the due date, the tenant is declared bankrupt or demonstrably becomes or admits to being insolvent, or if the agreement is otherwise materially breached.

11. Defects in the goods - tenant's rights and time limit for complaints

If there is a defect in the goods, the lessee must notify the lessor within a reasonable time after it was discovered or should have been discovered that he or she wishes to invoke the defect. Complaints to the landlord should be made in writing or by email


If the goods have not been corrected or replaced, the tenant can also terminate the lease if the defect is not insignificant.

12. Enforcement

If the rent (and/or any supplements) is not paid, the tenant agrees that eviction can be requested pursuant to section 13-2, second paragraph, of the Enforcement Act

a). It must be stated in the notice pursuant to section 4-18 of the Enforcement Act that extradition can be avoided if the rent with interest and costs is paid before enforcement is carried out. Similarly, the tenant agrees, pursuant to section 13-2, second paragraph b) of the Enforcement Act, that extradition may be demanded when the lease term has expired, if the lease has been agreed for a specific period.

13. Disputes

Any dispute under this agreement shall be resolved by negotiation. The Lessee may not retain more than the amount in dispute. If negotiations are unsuccessful, the dispute shall be settled by ordinary court proceedings, unless the parties agree to submit the dispute to arbitration. The legal venue for such court proceedings (ordinary courts or arbitration) is Nedre Telemark District Court.

Complaints should be addressed to the seller within a reasonable time, cf. points 9, 10 and 11.

Standard lease terms for GHL Utleie AS _rev. 23.09.2022


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